Lindsey Jones Makeup Artistry

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Lemon Chia Almond Coffee Cookies


  • 1 cup almonds (or 1 1/2 cups almond meal)
  • 2 1/2 tablespoons coconut oil, melted
  • 2 tablespoons maple syrup
  • 1/4 organic lemon, zested
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds
  • 1/4 tsp baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp almond extract


  • baking sheet
  • wax paper or parchment paper
  • food processor
  • measuring cups and spoons
  • mixing bowl
  • mixing spoon
  • lemon zester or grater with a fine grating side


First, preheat oven to 350F.

Get out the food processor/high speed blender and process the almonds until a fine meal forms. it's important to get the almonds as fine as possible, this takes 2-4 minutes depending on your food processor. In between grinds, stir the almond meal mixture in the food processor  1-2 times.  If the almonds are too chunky then the cookie will crumble because the moisture will have less surface area to absorb into. 

Pour almond meal into a bowl and combine with the other ingredients. Adjust the amount of lemon zest depending on your taste.  It's delish with a little squeeze of lemon too!

With a tablespoon, scoop the dough and roll into balls.  Place on a wax or parchment paper lined baking sheet and use a fork to gently press down the cookies.

Bake for about 12 – 15 minutes until the cookies have started to turn golden. Check at 10 minutes to make sure the bottoms of the cookies aren't burning. 

Enjoy with a cup of coffee! Mmmm!!! 

Here's a shot of the kitchenette of the trailer. I sure didn't wait to clean up before enjoying these little cookies with my coffee. Oh ya.... I drink coffee now. For those of you that know me really well know that I never drink coffee in the morning. But with baby Harley J around now... it's been really great having the little extra burst of energy and happy in a cup. I suppose at some point I'll try working out or some other sort of method for energy/mood enhancement, but for now, I'm enjoying this indulgence. A small sweet cookie with the cup sure does make it a wonderful little time in the morning with my family. 

I let my kid eat anything!!! Yesterday we were chowing down on some avocado, eggplant, cabbage... and this morning OF COURSE I let her in on some of these cookies!!! I'm not sure if that's cookie or boogies in her nose... let's go with cookies... 

Love those little hands beyond words! Recipe adapted from Lily from Clean food, dirty city. Love her stuff!!!